Welcome to the site of Bert Kraai. I’m a math teacher and teacher trainer at Vrijeschool Zutphen VO, a Waldorf school in The Netherlands, since 2005.
As a teacher trainer I often meet the question: What should I do to become a real Waldorf teacher? To help new teachers in finding answers, I questioned 12 experienced Waldorf teachers and worked their contributions into articles that are easily accessible for people who are not so familiar with Waldorf education.
An analysis of common ingredients in these interviews resulted in 7 main themes, which are explored in more detail. Together this resulted in a book titled “Being and Becoming a Waldorf Teacher“.
In the final chapter the reader is invited to orientate on international efforts to find the essentials of Waldorf Education and how this relates to daily educational practice.
Special thanks to Martyn Rawson who inspired me with his lecture and Jonathan Squires who did most of the translation.
Feel free to mail me any questions, comments or contributions!
Bert Kraai